Valerio Tabacchi,
Tourism Consultant.
"If you are looking for tourism consulting
or take a look and share my ideas,
you are in the right place".

Valerio Tabacchi is a revolutionary tourism guru that decide don’t waste his time writing bestsellers but travelling around the world and making money. To be more specific, Valerio Tabacchi is a handsome, friendly, and outgoing boy, tall for his age, with a ready smile and an open and verbal manner, but without fantasy, so thanks to Aaron Iba for giving me the possibility to copy and past his biography. If you are just looking for who I am, you are in the wrong place baby (dudes go away), just look at my fb page If you are looking for tourism consulting or take a look and share my ideas, you are in the right place.
Tourism Development
"If you have an idea, business expansion,
downtown improvement, route or trail
development, attraction grouping, my team
and me can help you to make it real".

Destination development
The rapid growth of tourism worldwide has created many challenges and opportunities for established and emerging tourism destinations. Is your nation, region, county or city a potential tourism destination? Great destinations or attractions don’t just happen overnight as Rome wasn’t built in a day. They require strategic decision-making and planning to determine if there is a market match. Only few steps, but essential to do. The region or destination will need to form a local tourism team under the leadership of a local coordinator to carry out the tourism development process. My team will identify and recruit people dedicated to this role. Existing data will be compiled to capture a picture of the current impact of tourism and other sectors on the overall economy. Visitor travel patterns and characteristics will be analyzed to gain
an understanding of the profile of persons who currently visit.
All existing attractions and tourism related facilities in the area
are inventoried and then rated on their value to tourists and their
competitive advantage. We will identify potential visitors and
set goals for tourism development.
The team will identify priority short term and long term projects
and products to further evaluate through a rating process
based upon three main values: value to the tourist, value to
the destination, and competitive advantage.
We will develop a basic description of each of the priority
projects and products, including projected revenues and costs;
construction, operation and maintenance, employment, and
infrastructure needs.
Tourism development
A tourism product is an experience that attracts visitors. It creates a memory and a feeling and is what people talk about after the trip with their friends. They can be free like trails, or ski routes or can be a combined sport match/accommodation/ dining package with a specific price. Let us help discover your next experience that will create positive memories for your guests.
Route development
Believe it or not, people like to go in circles. No tourist ever likes to double back. Do you have several key experiences or products that could be linked together to create a ‘Trail” or “Route”? A properly developed route that touches all of the senses is a real moneymaker. It might be sitting right there under your nose. Let us help you uncover it.
Tourism Management
"Are you looking for someone expert that can
run your business? Don't have the time
or internal resources to manage a specific
tourism project? Let us run you business or
take the load off and help you deliver
on time you project".

Run a business
What worked to attract tourists yesterday and today may not work tomorrow. To succeed in the long term, you must constantly reevaluate your hotel, resort, residence, attraction or destination, adapting them if necessary to meet the changing needs of the market. The goal is to create sustainable tourism, a tourism destination that will be desirable in every season and that will attract different target segments. Creating sustainable tourism is a process, we are expert to do it.
Marketing strategy development & delivery
Destination or product development, we can help to manage a specific project. We are specialized in destination & product image, segmentation& targeting, mapping & branding, positioning, promotion & pricing. We work, just two words, on marketing plans.
Tourism Marketing
"Offering something unique and different
that the consumer can’t get at home is
essential to increase visitation and sales".

Marketing plans
Give people great memories, just image a marketing campaign in a few steps:

/ Try to understand the consumer.If you can learn how consumers make their choices, perhaps we can manipulate favorably the perception our product has in the market. This is the reason for studying consumer behavior, we do it often very well.
/ Consumer perceptions of a destination or product are called destination/product image. This is built up over time from the accumulated exposure to media information and from the sum of the personal experiences.
/ The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis is a critical first stage in marketing. Throughout the analysis, one’s product is compared to competitor’s products, which emulates the mindset of consumers in making choices among products.
/ In a mature market, there is an abundance of choice. Consumers develop increasingly individual preferences. This means it is impossible trying to sell one product to everybody. It is better to concentrate on satisfying a smaller group of people well. This smaller group is called a “segment”. How you segment your market will determine who you want your target customers to be for your product development, pricing, and promotion
/ The environment is filled with an excess of advertising and promotional images, messages, and symbols that, in the name of offering a variety of choices, tend to distract consumers in the choices they make. To be successful, a product must be remembered. Brand identity is a special asset that companies have to maintain not only through quality, but also through promotion and advertising.
/ Promotion is often viewed as the key element in marketing. Promotion covers advertising, public relations, direct marketing via mail or telephone, and direct selling by a sales force. The tourism and hospitality industry devotes most of its promotion budget to advertising.
with signage and wayfinding, media relation, web design & marketing, social media development, photography/videography, graphic design and creative direction.